Creative Society

How can we help people develop as creative thinkers? In our last week, we explore strategies and motivations for supporting and expanding opportunities for creative learning. We invite you to share a project idea and reflect back on your journey as a creative learner.

Watch & Read

Creative Society

In this video, Mitch Resnick describes why it is important to support children’s development as creative thinkers in today’s fast-changing society, and shares ideas on how to bring the spirit of kindergarten to children of all ages and all backgrounds.

Subtitles are available in multiple languages.

Download this video


Learn more about the different ways children can express themselves, and some tips on how to cultivate creativity.

Lifelong Kindergarten - Chapter 6 (excerpts)

Italiano (Italian) , Português (Portuguese) , 日本語 (Japanese) , Español (Spanish) , Türkçe (Turkish) , العربية (Arabic)

Want more things to watch and read?

Make & Share

Give P’s a chance

We hope that the ideas we explored together in LCL can help everyone see learning in new ways, and provide a useful framework to approach learning - and other aspects of your life!

That’s why in this last activity of the LCL journey we invite you to share:
How might you use (or have you used) the four P’s in your practice?

Start the Activity

Reflect & Discuss

“I used to think … but now I think …“

We are curious to know how your ideas have evolved, based on the activities and discussions in Learning Creative Learning. One way to reflect on your LCL journey is to fill in this sentence: I used to think … , but now I think … What in your journey contributed to the shift in your thinking? How might it influence your work?

Share in the Forum

LCL Chat

Video calls with the LCL team and the rest of the community

Session 1 - Friday 10:00-11:00 AM (Boston time)
Session 2 - Friday 04:00-05:00 PM (Boston time)

Discussion topics
How can we help people develop as creative thinkers?
How might you use (or have you used) the four P’s in your practice?

You will receive the zoom link in the weekly email.


Learn how to create with Scratch in a collaborative and playful environment

Wednesday 1:00-2:30 PM (Boston time)

Activity: Interview Anything
Try interviewing something, like a piece of play-doh, a penny, a plant, a pet, or even a person!

You will receive the zoom link in the weekly email.

Want More to Explore?

Because this the last week of the course, we wanted to offer you a longer list of inspiring readings. As always, explore as much or as little as you like, at your own pace.

Want even more? Find more reading suggestions on the Lifelong Kindergarten book website.

What we mean by learning, LEGO booklet

Aaron Falbel & Edith Ackermann

Italiano (Italian) , Português (Portuguese) , العربية (Arabic)

The Nature of Freedom

from John Dewey, Experience and Education (1938)

Fear and failure

from John Holt, How Children Fail (1964)

Bring On the Learning Revolution!

Sir Ken Robinson (2010), TED Talk (video)

Offline Materials

You can get this week’s videos, subtitles, and readings in a single zip file for offline use.

Download all materials

Creative Learning Resources

Here are some resources for organizing and leading creative learning experiences.